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The fastest AI-powered music search with the richest set of features
Save up to 90% of average search time
Start with at least one reference track to find what you're after.
Boost music search accuracy & quality
Focus on specific track segments, prioritize BPM, ignore vocals and more.
Activate 100% of your catalog in seconds
Uncover hidden gems that keyword-based searches wouldn't find.

Searching for music

Similarity Search features

Finds music similar to whatever specific part of your reference track you highlight.

Locates sections of each result that are similar to the essence of your reference track.
Prioritize BPM
Discovers songs matching the beats per minute range of your reference track.
Ignore Vocals
Suppresses vocals to find music similar to an instrumental version of your reference track.

Similar Artists
Discover artists that resemble specific artists in your catalog.

Similar Albums
Discover albums that resemble specific albums in your catalog.

Similar Playlists
Discover playlists that resemble specific playlists in your catalog.
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